FOOTHILLS CREATIVE: Stories & other ramblings.

Home Fiction Blog

"The dubious privilege of a freelance writer is he's given the freedom to starve anywhere." S.J. Perelman



Welcome to Foothills Creative! AND YES, IT'S FINALLY BEEN UPDATED!

Read my stuff and send me your comments if so inclined. If you are an editor or publisher, act now and you could take credit for discovering the next great publishing phenomenon! I'll be sure to mention your name when I'm on Oprah. On the other hand, publishing my ramblings could cause your publication to go belly-up, you'll lose your job in disgrace and you'll find yourself selling used cars on an empty lot and eating Spam-on-a-stick warmed over a Sterno can. I prefer to think the former. Some of my writing is award winning, some has been published here and there, and some just gathers dust in the "lonely and unloved" file. If you're a surfer passing through, enjoy and tell your friends. Like a good dose of the flu, I'd like to spread my words around the globe. Of course, I'd like to see it all in print and an occasional check hit the mailbox too. Until then, sadly, I'll keep the day job and keep pounding the keys at all hours of the night. Okay, there's no day job. Humor me. It's late.


You've made it this far - keep going - - -

Shhhhhh - - - - - - writer at work!

I'd like to thank Samuel Johnson, who in 1775 produced the first recognized English dictionary, thus providing writers like me the words to write stuff. Thanks, Sam. Now I've got the same tools as Hemingway, King, Clancy - if only I can get the words in the right order. Stay tuned - - -


"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."

Benjamin Franklin

New and improved - - -

It's finally here - what the world has been waiting for! My new website. Here at Foothills Creative we now acknowledge the new millennium. Go ahead, smirk. Yes, I know, it's 2014, but we just crawled out of the underground bunker we entered on 12/31/1999 and discovered that some of you actually have survived the Y2K disaster. It must have been chaos out here. I even heard a rumor that Bush son George W was president for 8 years! Ha ha. Very funny. Nothing could have been that bad. I see the Middle East is still enjoying peace and tranquility. People are living in harmony and our politicians in Washington DC are cheerfully working together to make the world a better place for all. Oh wait, that's Jim World. Sorry, let me look around -------arrrrggghhhhhh - reality!

"Nothing's a better cure for writer's block than to eat ice cream right out of the carton." — Don Roff

 Legal Stuff: Everything on this site is written by and rights belong to Jim Driesen. That means you can't slap your byline on it and sell it for the big bucks I would have gotten for it. It also means that my huge Rottweiler that lives on the raw flesh of plagiarists will hunt you down.