Up Against the Wall!

Random things, the President mainly, that just plain bother the heck out of me (subject to change on a daily basis):

  1. I used to hate Richard Nixon. I know people that hated Bill Clinton with a passion. I know, anyone that just hates booming economic times, major bull markets, and relative peace, would of course, hate Bill Clinton. After all, he had an affair. Certainly he was the first guy to ever have a little fling with one of the girls at the office. So people hated him. I dare say those same people now love George W. Bush. He’s the man that ignored the warnings prior to the 9/11 travesty, then has used that event to pass everything from huge tax cuts for his rich, corporate buddies and campaign donors to dismantling thirty years of environmental protections. Don’t let me forget his little war, either, the one he proudly marched out in his flight suit (one he never actually earned the right to wear by doing service) and announced was over around 200 GI deaths ago. At least under Saddam, there weren’t any terrorist bombings in Baghdad. Now terrorists roam the streets freely blowing up anyone in sight. That’s what happens when no one is in control. So where has “W” been while our boys sweat it out in the heat of Iraq fighting a war started under false pretenses and lies? He’s been on vacation at his ranch. That is, when he isn’t attending $2000-a-plate fund-raising dinners for his re-election. The rest of us get to enjoy his record federal deficit and record high unemployment. Weren’t Republicans supposed to be the ones with some economic common sense? Ahhh, politics. Makes me kind of miss old Richard Nixon. He’s looking pretty darn good right about now.”
  2. I was watching Gale Norton, our Secretary of the Interior, explaining to a reporter this morning on TV that the main problem with the President’s environmental policy is that the people just don’t understand it. Well excuse us. We common everyday blokes out here are just too thick in the head to understand complicated things like coal plants spewing toxins into the air or what lead in our water supply does to our children. Or that the words “Healthy Forests” when spoken by “W” stand for cutting those pesky, flammable trees down. That’s why we need to sit back and trust the Bush administration to do the right thing for us. Like they’ve done for those poor, dumb whiners in Iraq who now have freedom thanks to us. No electricity, running water, or toilets, but freedom. Well, freedom to do what we tell them they can do. But then, they just don’t understand and need to trust the Bush administration to do the right thing. To me, it’s sort of like the Howdy Doody show, with “W” as Howdy, and Rumsfeld as Clarabell, and of course, the lovable John Ashcroft as Mr. Bluster. Don’t forget Buffalo Dick Cheney. Hey kids, what time is it? It’s time to vote in a new president.

"I like long walks,
especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."
Noel Coward

Your Bank Needs Your Help


Does anyone feel sorry for the banks these days? The poor guys – can’t pay their bills and want the government to send them some of our money, or what’s left, after the government gets through with it. Ever make a late payment on the credit card? Did the government help you out? Was the bank understanding about your problems and told you “hey, no problem, take your time and send it to us when you can.” No, they quadrupled your interest rate and tacked on a $35.00 fee for every month you didn’t pay. Remember that as the government doles out your hard-earned tax dollars and the CEO of your favorite bank takes the $100 million escape package for running his bank into the ground. I won’t mention any names, but burn in Hell, Citibank. Oh, sorry, I did mention a name. Sue me

"Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should
both be changed regularly and for the same reason."

Fine Print:
Final note on the banking mess: Congress and the president have been falling all over themselves to come up with a plan to bail out the banks. As always, they are there to represent your interests. Remember that in November.

Why is the John Edwards affair a news item at a time of wars and economic chaos?

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