Flash Fiction: Short-Shorts!

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Memo to Clancy
By Jim Driesen

TO: Mr. Tom Clancy

FROM: Moore, Rubles, Fourme and Nunforu – Attorneys

It has come to my attention that my client has suffered severe financial loss and damage as a result of your long career as a best-selling author. While I commend you on the technical accuracy of your stories and the great success it has brought Harrison Ford on the big screen, none of this would have been possible had you not taken every single word you have written in every best-selling novel, directly from my client’s book. My firm is prepared to drop all criminal charges in return for a transfer to our account, on behalf of our client, of all royalties, proceeds, and payments received (plus interest and punitive damages) from both the written books themselves and any screenplays or television shows that resulted thereof, including any profits made by Mr. Ford. Before you invest any of “our” money trying to fight this matter legally, I would like to point out the statement you signed in 1968 (copy attached) when submitting your first flash fiction piece to the Flash Fiction Gazette: "I specifically agree that I shall hold harmless and reimburse XYZ Corporation and its personnel, on demand, for all loss, cost or expenses incurred in connection with either (a) any dispute arising from my participation in the field of creative writing or (b) any other matter arising from circumstances beyond the control of XYZ Corporation." Fortunately for you, Mr. Clancy, you may be able to return to your insurance career.

Please respond with payment within seven days of receipt of this notice.

Mr. D. Sharkfin Attorney for Mr. Webster, author of Webster’s Dictionary.

Authors Note: Just kidding, really! It’s a joke - - don’t call in the lawyers! Inspired by and based on the actual “disclaimer” used by a publication taking submissions from writers. All characters fictional and any resemblance to the real Mr. Clancy, Mr. Ford, or Mr. Webster are purely coincidental.

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